Is there any good news?
Jim Hansen says that 2C of warming is dead, and that we're on track to go 4.5C by the end of the century, almost worst case scenario. Other climate scientists aren't even calling him wrong, simply stating that they can't disprove him because the science is sound even if the rest of the community has different models.
The IPCC has consistently underestimated the sensitivity of the world to carbon. And instead of fighting harder than we ever have before, we're instead shutting down government climate websites and threatening to fire our environmental agency staff.
It looks like the AMOC collapse is gonna happen pretty soon, and the capacity of forests to act as carbon sinks is already limiting, and might become a source of carbon in the future.
It just looks like the science is firm in the conclusion that we won't be successful. Even if we stopped emitting carbon and hit net zero this very second, the world would continue to warm. Carbon capture is a pipe dream and we won't reach net zero any time soon, as we're currently poised to not reach net zero. With the "drill baby drill" slogan, it doesn't seem feasible that anything good will happen.