CMV: MAGA Republicans have checkmated the opposition
They control all meaningful military and police power. The FBI/CIA purges will continue. Any resistance in the form of protests, riots or violence will only help them justify and catalyze further consolidation of military and police control.
They control all finances. They alone manage the Treasury and all government funding that advances causes they oppose will evaporate. They will also tax, fine and penalize entities that resist.
They control all political power. They enjoy majorities in all branches of the federal government and there is no focused or united opposition. State governments are too dependent on federal military powers and treasures to mount a serious defense.
They control all technology needed to preserve and grow their power. They unlocked vast troves of government-controlled data with which to train their own AI agents and bolster their surveillance and domination over the opposition and the population. They have the power to rig technologies underpinning elections.
They control all media. Their current media strategy exploits the feckless and unfocused nature of traditional media while capitalizing on media channels experiencing growing audiences and influence. Meanwhile, they delete content unhelpful to their causes from government websites and will eventually build a propaganda apparatus never seen before in this country.
They have the will to use their control to keep their power and never let go.
There is a short period before the control cements. But once it does, checkmate.