Wondering if it’s common to experience these symptoms with CFS. Possibly POTS?
Hi guys, New here. I’ve been experiencing some odd and out of character symptoms within the last few months, and am wondering if it sounds like CFS.
I am going through benzo withdrawal. I’ve been off for 13 months and have been told that the withdrawal can often mimic certain conditions during the recovery period, with CFS being one of them.
Within the last few months, some days I get these sudden but very overwhelming episodes of fatigue-type feelings. I get a kinda weird heavy feeling in my forearms and other parts of my body such as my legs,head and shoulders. My facial muscles feel tired and ache, my hands go a little bit sweaty and clammy and my mouth gets a dry/bitter taste. The symptoms will then ease off after a little while and then come back again, as I say it’s like episodic. Often times these symptoms will improve/go away for a week or a few days, but will then come back and I’ll experience it a few times a day consecutive days in a row. Some days these symptoms are more extreme than others. At its worst it can be debilitating. It completely wipes me out some days and it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I had many extensive bloods done last year and as recently as February and everything comes back completely normal.
These symptoms are sometimes triggered off after I eat, which I’ve heard is common with POTS which I think I’ve also developed from the benzo withdrawal, and POTS can apparently cause these chronic fatigue feelings too which can come in episodes. They’re just so overwhelming and like nothing I’ve ever experienced before so I want to find out exactly what’s causing it.
I came across this article: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/pots-a-little-known-cause-of-extreme-fatigue and I’m wondering if this may be what I am dealing with and if the fatigue symptoms they speak of are the same as what I’m trying to explain.
Do the symptoms I speak of above sound like CFS symptoms? I’m wondering if they may just be a wave of the benzo withdrawal symptoms also.