DEVCOR - FAILED - Exam Experience 1.24.25
Whelp there's a first time for everything I guess.
Using APIs - 55%
Cisco Platforms - 50%
Application Deployment and Security - 65%
Infrastrucure and Automation - 50%
Software Development and Design - 50%
Figured there's not a whole lot of detailed exam experiences shared compared to the more popular exams like ccna, encor and enarsi. Figured I'd at least make something productive for anyone else looking into it but not knowing what to expect.
Overall felt like a fairly technical test. I didn't really experience the issue of having questions thay depended on api path memorization. Biggest strugglw was tbe time crunch, more than half the questions were parsing decently-size code blocks and filling in multiple drag n drops to fix, which were eating minutes at a time for me. USC had a bigger presence on my exam than I was expecting or prepared for.
Study materials was the kindle official studyguide by Mohorea, lab environment, and having leveraged some of this stuff at my job, so probably a little underprepared on my front.
I would also reccommend not using any sort of color coding in your development environment, since the code block questions are all black and white, it can be tough to parse whats important if you're used to the quality of life in Visual Studio or even notepad++ being able to parse your code at more of a glance because they keywords, variables and functions are all color coded. At least that will be my plan for study follow-up.
Tldr key takeaways:
-Practice reading blocks of code for quickly parsing through a script and where each key reference(square brackets) should go in a json data call.
-Don't sleep on UCS. You might barely see it, you might see it as much as I did.
-know your docker linux commands. I focused a whole lot more on understanding dockerfile commands and flow, and a lot less time trying out different docker run or docker build arguments and options. I don't think I got a single dockerfile question now that I think about it(thats not to say it won't appear on the test)
-Be prepared that there will be no quality of life when reading code blocks on the exam. I'm pretty sure they're just notepad screenshots.
-Know the methodology, philosophy and lifecycles of software development covered in part 1 of the blueprint. I thought I had this down but took too many hits on questions that should have been easy wins because I depended mostly on working knowledge and industry experience that I already had while focusing my studies more on technical parts of the blueprint.
-Know the ins and outs of Ansible, Puppet, Terraform, Chef, Docker, AppDynamics. Not just how to use them(what I focused on), but the theories and sales pitches behind them, why you use one over the other, who's push, who's pull, how they work together, how they differ. Again, took hits on easy wins because I can configure a device with Ansible or deploy puppet or docker in a bubble, but how orchestrating them in tandem is also very important.
-One more shoutout to Mohorea for their study guide. My spread would be much worse on the first go around without their very comprehensive and hands-on study guide.
All and all, I don't want to say I underestimated the DEVCOR as an exam but more on the leaning of I overestimated my ability in the subjects. I leaned heavily on the fact that I wasn't approaching most of these topics as a blank slate and the fact that I use Python and other automations that I built in my daily worklife that I thought that while difficult, my programming ability ajd industry knowledge would carry me past the goal posts.
Oh well, time to have lunch, a lunch beer, reschedule the exam and hit the lab and books hard this time.