Degrees and career path for a stupid person?

Hi, i consider myself as a person who’s 10x behind everybody else, and I don’t want any of that fake positivity bullshit rn tbh I need realism. I’m having a difficult time picking a degree, since I’m seeing all of the good ones to my judgement being very difficult to complete for a person like me, and I can’t sacrifice the debt of failing and overall just dropping out. If anyone can somehow help me with a degree that could be considered worthy for employers and Help me figure out a career path (title/role) that can potentially hit 6figs based on seniority that would be great the reason being I live in a hcol. (that’s if I ever get considered as an employee..) or am I just FUCKED!!

Edit: Ima gorl so If you’re gonna recc any trades, plz tell me the ones that won’t absolutely break my back and WRECK ME. Yeah, I’m a weak bitch too. I’m like 97lb.

Haha, thanks.