What are your unpopular opinions about [pjo][hoo][toa] characters

So firstly everything I'm going to mention is not to hate on any characters in any way, everyone is free to have their opinions even if I or someone else disagrees.

1.Reyna joining the hunters or being basically being written out of the story as a whole ruined the hunters and Reyna's potential for me. So firstly yes Reyna is my favorite female character and also the one I personally relate to the most to so maybe I'm biased, but her joining the hunters didn't even fit her character to begin with because firstly after her past as cercies spa and her dad she felt that Rome was her home and she often also says(indirectly)how proud she is to be Roman. She also did deserve a break but choosing the hunters come on Rick the hunters are constantly fighting or hunting monsters and are in more danger than the most demigods so yes great for retirement??? I think after that I personally just dislike the hunters because firstly I really liked the concept still do but now it has become just a plot device to write out female characters for Thalia it made sense for Bianca she was just sadly a plot device too, but it's basically telling me you can't be happy if you're single and need to join the immortal girl group to move on. (Please hear the irony out of it) Like Reyna was happy being single and mostly at peace with herself, also she's not in my opinion a follower but a leader.

  1. Rick needs to stop mixing the show characters personality to the books because honestly I don't even recognize the characters anymore especially after reading wrath of the triple goddess, like what happened to Percy he was always self conscious about himself but never that much he has become a shell of his former self (this is not because of his trauma partly) and also Annabeth why is she suddenly surprised that Percy has smart ideas when she actually herself knows that Percy is smart not academically but street smart and she is aware of it.I really like Rick as a person and author but his work is really not that good currently and I'm worried. I still think Annabeth was good done in the book tough,she almost stayed the same I have to give him credit for it.

  2. Calypso and Leo should just be a temporary thing and they should go there separate ways (not so unpopular but I just wanted to say it)

So what are yours or if you have questions to mine please tell me.