Should Sanity Loss For Passing Knowledge Checks Accompanied By A Cthulhu Mythos Increase?
Suppose a character stumbles upon some horrifying biological impossibility/abomination, that prompts extra Sanity Loss if they pass, say, a Medicine or Biology check (I've seen precedent for this in one of Chaosium's works). Should that Sanity Loss be accompanied by an increase in the Cthulhu Mythos skill?
The rationale would be twofold:
1: "Realism": The character now knows more about Mythos biology, and can perhaps extrapolate the knowledge. If they figure out how this creature works to sustain its apparent contradictions, perhaps they can try to understand other things.
2: Gameplay: It seems harsh to penalise characters for passing skill checks (although being harsh is usually the purpose of Call of Cthulhu, so this reason takes a backfoot).
(Given the weight of a Cthulhu Mythos increase, I might have the skill increase by fractions for small discoveries like this.)
Thoughts on a Cthulhu Mythos increase to accompany the Sanity Loss?