A request for alternative channel to how we access important public information from the city.

(Note: Made a new account because post history on main account + new post on very specific location sub would make it too close to be identifiable for comfort)

With the new policy banning links from X going around on many subs yesterday, it got me thinking that we could and should be doing a bit more about it. By that, I mean we should contact the city and any relevant local public entities, and request that they made their community announcements available on other platform or platforms (Bluesky, perhaps?) in addition to X, so that people have a choice in regards to which channel they wish to use to receive the information instead of being forced to be reliant on one deteriorating platform for such essential information.

With enough calls and e-mails from enough people, I am hoping that we could make it happen, especially since it shouldn’t cost that much to implement anyway. The recent wild fire has made clear that it is important that people have ability to access critical information in a timely manner.

If anybody has a list of relevant agencies that we should contact, along with their contact info, and don’t mind sharing it here, that would be really helpful and much appreciated.

If possible, please help spread the words to other communities you are a part of as well, whether it’s another Reddit sub or Burbank community on another platform.

As a side note, I often hear people who are still on X saying things along the line of “I want to leave, but need it to get the news about so and so.” Hopefully, when given a choice, at least some of these ppl would eventually migrate away from that place. (This means the request does not have to be limited to cities, local government and public agencies, but could be extended to sport teams, artists, or anything and everything that you care about.)