Upgrading from a 12900k to either 9800x3d or waiting for the 9950x3d. Ram question…
It’s been a while and I’m upgrading my pc. Mainly due to my little cousin will be getting my 3090, 12900k and cl16 gskills.
So I’m trying to plan out my build and im switching back to AMD.
I game mainly with cpu intensive games but I do some small editing with Adobe.
Gaming is the priority and not editing. I have a second pc to edit on with a 3950x and 2080ti.
So for strictly gaming, what would be the best DDR5 ram?
PRICE IS NOT A FACTOR. So saving money is something I don’t care about. I just want the best and most stable.
I like GSkill a ton and have used them for years.
I’m seeing 6000-cl26 as an option.
For stability, what is best paired with x3d chips? I know with these chips, compared to Intel, cas isn’t that big of a deal.
So if price isn’t a factor, what would be the best and most stable? Going with an Asus ROG X board.