Is total of 8-10 minutes of breastfeeding enough?

(Baby is a little over a month) Is it enough to breastfeed my baby 5 minutes on each side? She falls asleep constantly when feeding and When I try to feed her longer she gets so fussy/ unlatches often. I even try to burp her when she does this, but she’s only fussy when eating. I’ve met with a lactation consultant twice and latch isn’t a problem but baby does has a bit of an upper lip tie. The consultant didn’t think it was a problem because she was gaining weight and has enough wet diapers. Now I get worried that she’s not getting enough nutrients from the hindmilk. This is so stressful I’m ready to throw in the towel on breastfeeding

Also forgot to add that just getting that 10 minutes of feeding total is tough. I have a timer that gets her actively feeding and usually the 10 minutes takes me about an hour because of her getting fussy/sleepy intermittently