Sudden dip in supply? 10 weeks EBF
I have been EBF for 10 weeks and I have struggled so much with oversupply in the beginning. I had mastitis twice. Clogged ducts also twice. Milk bleb once. I was so engorged that my baby was struggling to eat. Just a couple of days ago I was taking a shower and milk was just pouring from me. There were days when I would spend so much time in the shower just hand expressing and draining my milk. I wished for my milk to regulate so much and then…
It seems like in a day my milk supply has dipped overnight. Especially in the evening it is like nothing is coming out. I pump with a hand pump and a regular pump and I get nothing. I feed my baby but she seems hungry afterwards and we give her a bottle and she gulps it.
Because of the oversupply and the mastitis I didn’t pump for the first eight weeks and afterwards I pumped only once or twice so I don’t have a “freezer stash” but I already used couple of packs of milk that I froze in November so that my baby can be full and sleep well at night.
What do you think I should do? I am thinking of maybe pumping at night/in the morning to have some in the evening?
I am just so exhausted… I don’t think there has been a single week that I didn’t have breastfeeding related problem since the birth of the baby.