Baby won’t nurse after tongue and lip tie release

My 3 week old daughter just got her tongue and lip tie releases with laser. The procedure was 2 days ago. The dentist said they were both level 4’s. Before the releases, we almost exclusively breastfed. Her latch was never great. All the symptoms of tongue tie, clicking, swallowing air, spit up, sometimes painful latch, etc. But we COULD nurse. After her release, she won’t latch anymore. She truly can’t nurse and gets so frustrated. Milk spills out of her mouth, she swallows air, her latch won’t seal and it’s more painful than it’s ever been. We have been exclusively bottle feeding today and yesterday because she just can’t eat from the breast. I’m stressed out. I know they say it will be bad for a few days but I’m scared she will forget how to latch and we won’t be able to breastfeed anymore.

Any advice?