Feel like the biggest failure

Baby born at 7pm, November 2nd. Back home Nov 4th, I thought he was feeding okay but tonight (Nov 5th) he woke from his nap crying and crying. Would not stop. We also had our nurse appointment, she stated that he’d lost 8% of his body fat, she wasn’t too worried. I said I was worried about his lack of wet nappies- only 2 in the past 24 hours and she said it was fine.
She said I need to work on my latch but nothing would get him to stay latched on properly. My nipples are in extreme pain. This is my second baby and it’s like history is repeating itself. I feel like such a failure. I tried to be more prepared this time. Since bub wouldn’t stop crying at all my husband and mum convinced me to just offer the formula. No matter how much I tried to latch him to me, he would not stay on, just screaming hysterically. He took the formula well and is fast asleep now.
I’m so upset. This is the opposite of what I wanted. I tried pumping with my Spectra (correct flange sizes and everything) and only got about 3mls out. The nurse said my supply would likely come by tomorrow. But idk. What if this is the reality of my supply? It did have a slight yellow tinge to it so I’m hoping it was still colostrum. Our first had a lip tie which we had snipped and it helped somewhat with our BF journey, she was half Bf and half formula fed. I was just hoping this time would be different. I know fed is best but it’s not what I wanted.
I’m going to call the dentist tomorrow to see about a potential lip tie. Idk if I should hire an LC to help- I feel like I know most things, at least I knew everything that the LC I saw for my first told me. Idk. What should I do? I should be pumping right now but I’m delirious from exhaustion and just want to sleep. I’m so tired.