Stupid lumpectomy complaint
I just met with my surgeon and have opted for the lumpectomy based on the fact that my odds are no different whether I do the lump vs masc but I have a really stupid complaint. My silver lining in this was that I’d come out with slightly better boobs than I went in with and my surgeon tells me that not only will I not (regardless of whether I opted to do the masc bc she said with the masc they’d just match what I have) but that they might shrink?! I have small boobs (34B). It’s not like I wanted to go huge but just a little increase and lift would have been nice. I was excited to restart life with this new me and now I’m kind of disappointed. I know, I’ll get my health and my life back which is why this is a stupid complaint - and I’m not a vein person. I never thought I’d ever in my life want a boob job but once I got thinking about it, I thought it could be kind of fun. Kind of like walking in someone else’s shoes - and I imagined my clothes fitting slightly better with my frame a little more proportionate. Ugh! Such is life…but it’s frustrating.