Lumpectomy to implants- freaking out.
I have (had) very small boobs, barely an A cup, and I knew that since this crappy thing was happening to me I was going to make the best of it and get implants bilaterally and go bigger- I always wanted bigger boobs…to actually have cleavage. I wanted to aim for a solid C cup.
My PS told me that it’s harder to work on radiated tissue so she wanted to do the implants before radiation, and that it would be much easier to go smaller vs going bigger after that. After my lumpectomy my cancer boob was left much smaller than the other. (But uniformly so, my surgeon evened out tissue and did a great job). Non-cancer side got a 235cc implant.
The implants were placed 6 days ago. They are so freaking huge, sit high, feel hard, and hurt. Everything I have read says that yeah they change a lot over time and have to drop. But it’s really hard to not be stressed and depressed over how unnatural and uncomfortable my chest is!!! I have so many regrets right now. Someone please talk me down…