Marie’s place in the story
All the main characters are fleshed out and given well crafted arcs, and then you get to Marie. I always kinda had the impression that Vince and the writers could never quite settle on a solid role for her in the series. Let’s have her be the neurotic, busybody sister… maybe she can be a voice of reason… how about we make her a kleptomaniac… eh forget that, let’s just have her be a supportive wife.
I mean you could remove the entire klepto arc and it really wouldn’t impact the central story (aside from indirectly getting Hank back into the Heisenberg case, which could’ve easily been resolved another way, writing-wise). On my first watch I was convinced that the whole shoplifting thing was building toward some key plot twist, but then it just kinda went away and no one mentioned it again.
It’s not that she didn’t bring anything to the table, but to me it felt like they were trying too hard to figure out a Marie storyline, which was a bit unnecessary imo. Anyone else get that sense?