New and Improved Bodyweight Fitness Progression Chart
A little over a week ago I posted a bodyweight fitness progression chart that I had been working on. I received lots of helpful comments and made quite a few improvements to the chart.
Since the original post just had an image I thought I'd re-post to share the Google Sheet version which has links for many of the skills and can be copied and used to track your own progress. I track my progress by changing the shading for the parts of the progressions that I've completed.
If you prefer, here is a 1920x1080 image of the chart.
I welcome further suggestions like:
- skills to add
- more video / tutorial links
- corrections (typos, broken links, skills out of order, etc.)
- Here is an example of a customized chart showing my progress and two focus areas in red. My current workout routine is push-pull-run, with leg exercises split into the push and pull days. I had never tried a Frog Stand a week ago and yesterday I could hold it for 10 seconds at a time. I'm really excited to progress towards the Elbow Lever!