Pandering is gross & I hate when BW cheer it on.
Earlier today, I seen this video of this white lady on TikTok talking about how her grandmother compared Black shiny skin to beautiful Black, shiny, wet rocks— the white lady said how she seen a Black woman, overwhelmed in the video, called her a goddess and cried in the car at how beautiful & shiny her skin was. That video garnered a lot of praise from Black women & non-Black women. She ended up making a follow up apology video because people found it weird— the follow up apology was weirder because that Black rock/Black people analogy was a lesson for her to be antiracist.
Some people in the comments, which I think she had the nerve to like, were talking about it’s a “J!m Crow Forbidden Love Story” …. Weird (because she went on about how her grandma found a Black man at her job attractive when he was sweaty).
Now this is just an opinion and you guys can feel a way how you want to. I do not find posts like those towards Black women endearing at all. It’s just mad weird to me & dehumanizing, borderline (encouraging) fetishization. Like just call me pretty and move on with your day. Why are you crying in your Honda Civic on TikTok? If it’s not calling me a slur to my face, it’s making me out to be this mythical, majestic creature who is going to save the world. Just stop. STOP.
I get really disappointed, I know the reason why but, I still get disappointed when I see Black women championing these really inappropriate posts from non-Black people/women, as if that’s our source of validity & how we can feel special. If the first thing people think of to compliment me on… is my race?
Like why can’t people just compliment us in a normal fucking way? Why do they always have to bring my race into it? Or why do they have to do the absolute most? Being a Black woman in this world, is a very beyond arduous experience, so when I can exercise the very minuscule privilege afforded to me to put that as a non factor to my being…I do not want nobody, especially non-Black people throwing that shit into my face as if it makes up majority of my being even if they are self proclaimed “anti racist”.
One of my friends told me how their (white) guy friend really wants to date a Black woman because he finds us really beautiful & whatnot, which we we are (FUCKING DUH!) but why is that such an active desire as if it’s a checklist? Am I supposed to find that endearing? I do not.
This is a long ass rant but someone commented: people who see the skin color first before the people we are, in any aspect, are just weird… & dare I say racist. When people see me they should say “Smart, Funny, Beautiful, Talented”. No normal person would think “This is a Black woman”. The color of my skin does not translate to my qualities as a person.