Being a single mom is not a flex
I saw a post this morning that said:
“The modern woman believes her desire for a child is more important than that child's need for a 2 parent household” & it made me get to thinking.
Before becoming a mom, I used to think there were so many incentives for women with children—things like income tax benefits, qualifying for assistance, filing independently for FAFSA, or even the way some of my mommy friends would devalue my experiences because I didn’t have kids yet. But now that I’m living the reality of single motherhood, I can confidently say that nobody wants to be a single mom.
One thing I absolutely dislike is the narrative that if you don’t have children and you’re in your 30s, something must be wrong with you. I also dislike when people watch my lifestyle content as a single mom and romanticize it, saying they have “baby fever” despite not being in a stable relationship or financial situation. I love my children and the life I’ve built, but in an ideal world, this wouldn’t have been my first choice.
I also want to acknowledge that this may be where my inner Gemini shows—I can be a bit double-minded. While I’ve shared the challenges of single motherhood, I also see the beauty in it. There’s incredible strength in single mothers and their ability to do it alone, even in the face of adversity.
At the same time, I think it’s important to call out how podcast culture often discriminates against women who have children and are raising them alone. Choosing to walk away from a relationship that isn’t authentic or healthy for you or your child is a bold and courageous decision. Sacrificing a toxic environment for your child’s well-being is not easy, but it’s necessary. That’s why I stand so confidently in my experience—it’s not ideal, but it’s my truth, and I’ve kept moving forward despite the challenges.
I’ve also seen women stay in unhealthy relationships or toxic environments just to avoid the stigma of being a single mom. Some even have children in an attempt to maintain or “fix” a relationship, which often leads to more harm than good. It’s so important to focus on self-love, financial literacy, and finding a partner who is truly aligned with you before bringing kids into the equation. Of course, these are things you can work on after becoming a single parent, but it’s so much easier when you start on the right foot.
If you’re going to have children, it should be with someone who loves you and your child. You want to do it when you’re financially secure, when you have a supportive community, and ideally, after healing from childhood traumas or generational curses. Unfortunately, life doesn’t always work out perfectly (and I know this firsthand), but women should stop being shamed for taking the time to get it right. We need to push back against the pressure of biological clocks and society’s opinions.
If you want to dive deeper into this conversation, check out this video:
Being a Single Mom IS NOT a Flex!!
I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!