Does coming out matter?

I’m a woman in a heterosexual presenting marriage. I realized I was bi way way way before I got married. However I never gained the confidence to ‘come out’ to my family & most of my friends. My husband knows. Some of my close friends know… but most people in my life don’t know. So idk I’m a 30year old coming to Reddit to ask… does it matter still? Has the ship already sailed and nobody would care anyway? I kinda don’t want to deal with the judgement… is that bad? Am I making it worse for everyone else if I never tell the family and friends that don’t know & just stay content with my husband and 3 of my close friends knowing and accepting it? Does it come off as attention seeking if I admit it to a larger audience? Am I setting a bad example for younger women by staying more closeted? Does any of this even matter? Thanks & sorry for being annoying.