Is this a Millennial thing?
I’m in my 30s with a husband and kids. Just recently came to terms with the fact that I regret not having some experiences with other women before I was married.i love my husband and family, and do not regret marrying a man. I just feel like I pushed down my attraction to women my whole life, as it wasn’t as accepted as it is today, especially in my hometown. And now it’s too late to do anything about. Talking to some friends, I’m not the only woman my age who feels like this.
Edit to add- it’s heartening to see others with the same experience. What (if anything) have you done about it? I’m not trying to implode my family here so my instinct is to just keep locking that part of myself down. I have a friend who is also married to a man but she does know and we are open about this. We sometimes talk about women we think are attractive together, in movies or that we see just out in public. It’s nice to be able to do that. However, my husband does not outwardly know about this side of me and while he might understand I think he would also be incredibly hurt or feel insecure. I’m not trying to act on anything or hurt my family.
Second edit- it feels like my mid life crisis to be both acknowledging and grieving this experience at the same time.