In laws kissing baby on the face
I have a 2 month old and a 2 year old. I know people have their own preferences and that’s ok but I prefer to have no one kisses my baby on the face. The feet or head are ok but the face is a no for me. I’ve never had to deal with the kissing issue with my first because no one tried. I’m not sure if it’s a gender thing because my first is a boy, but no one ever tried to kiss him. I’ve noticed multiple times my in laws kiss my 2m old girl on the face.
We tried to ask them not to and I got accused of instilling fear in her. My FIL said she’s going to grow up afraid and that I need to let her be exposed to germs. I just kinda ignored the comments. The next visit after addressing it my FIL ignored my wishes and tried to kiss her when she was in my arms. I tried to turn her but I think he made contact with her cheek.
I guess I’m posting this to get advice. I’m a pretty none confrontational person but I’m getting annoyed that he is disrespecting my wishes. I need a polite but firm way to address it. I know that maybe my husband should be the one to do it but i kinda want to address it myself. I just want them to listen to and respect me as her mother and their son’s wife.