I don’t like breastfeeding

LO will be two weeks tomorrow and I love the convenience of breastfeeding because no bottles to clean and it’s immediate so no warming bottles but I think I really really hate it. I feel so guilty about hating it and I know the first few weeks are the hardest but I feel like it’s making things more stressful than they need to be.

Awwww I have an aggressive letdown that causes baby to choke every time and seeing a lactation consultant was a total waste of my time and she didn’t help me at all. I’ve tried everything to make it easier for baby and nothings worked 😵‍💫 her latch is amazing and everything else is great but it’s so stressful trying to feed her with the letdown. I want so badly to just give her formula and call it a day but even thinking about that makes me feel so guilty because she was doing so well with breastfeeding and the thought of washing and warming bottles sounds so frustrating.

I feel like breastfeeding is starting to take a toll on me mentally and I want so badly to have an excuse to stop but I also don’t want to lose that bond with her and using a bottle honestly just scares me. I believe that fed is best trust me, I just didn’t think breastfeeding would be so stressful