What’s a normal level of sharing with extended family?
Hi! Looking for some advice on what sort of privacy we should have with our LO…our LO is 5 weeks and since our drive to the hospital DH has updated my MIL on every detail of her life… how breast feeding is going, details from Dr appts, and adding her to the album we have with every picture we’ve ever taken of the baby. I think I would be ok with this if not for the fact that my MIL shared this information with everyone that she knows. She has added her extended family members to the photo album and shared information with family friends that I am not super comfortable with (LO had a hard time breastfeeding for a few days and now everyone in DH hometown thinks she has a weight gain problem). Not to mention she now calls me after every Dr appt wanting to know baby’s weight and what was said in the appt.
I come from a very private family and don’t want this to be the standard moving forward. How old was your LO when you stopped sharing so many details about their lives- specifically medical stuff- with family? I know she means well but it stressing me out!!