Betta behaving oddly after tank switch...HELP!
had my betta in a 10 gallon tank, but i decided to move him back to his planted 5.5 that has a couple of shrimp in it. I moved him out about a month ago when i got shrimp and was worried he was being too aggressive toward them. jump to now, and I put betta back in 5.5 gallon with shrimp, hoping he'd be more chill since he was the one being added to the tank if that makes sense. Also when he was in the 5.5 he was building bubble nests and I havent seen one since I put him in the 10. Anyway, He's in there for 5 minutes when all the sudden he starts pooping, i think? something reddish/orange came out of where the eggspot on a female would be and then he continued on his way. A couple minutes later I captured him crashing out like this. I turned off all lights and left the room to make this post. Should I move him back to the 10 gallon or see how this goes.