[Tutorial] Uber talent priority list

This guide is part 2 of the talent priority guides, you can find the one for special, rare and super rare cats here.

This priority list is made and ranked by the Public Battle Cats Fandom discord team, full credits to them. If you wish to view other guides by them, or just to chat with other players, feel free to join their discord server! https://discord.gg/thebattlecats

Important notes

  1. This list arrange the importance of talents from top to bottom.
  2. Only unlock one talent at a time. Don’t leave it half baked unless they are specified to do so.
  3. Talents in "Do Not Bother" are harmless to unlock but they do not yield you significant result from NP investment.
  4. Do NOT **ever unlock talents in "**Do Not Unlock" no matter how much NP you have. Those talents are detrimental to your units and they cannot be turned off.
  5. You should unlock EVERY Top Priority and High Priority in part I first before unlocking any talent in part II.
  6. Only unlock Attack Buff and Defense Buff talents after that unit is hypermaxed or ultramaxed. You will benefit from those talents most when those units are at the max level.
  7. () behind each talents indicates the NP cost of those talents. Only important talents have their NP costs indicated.
  8. Some talents should be unlocked with specific condition or progression. They are marked with [ ].
  9. Some talents are marked with <!>. In the same unit, you should unlock them together at once or don't bother them at all.
  10. Some talents are marked with <?>. These talents' placement are controversial as it depends on users preferences.

Part II: Uber Rare Talents

== You should only invest on these talents after you are done with Top Priority and High Priority in part I

= High Priority = 

Akuma Hayabusa - Shield Pierce (235) [Aku Realm: Skip if you have Dark Iz, Hevijak, Kai or Lilin]

Almighty Amaterasu - Zombie Killer (100), Attack Buff (175)

Almighty Ganesha - Strengthen Increase (175), Attack Buff (175)

Divine Kai - Shield Pierce (235) [Aku Realm: Skip if you have Dark Iz, Hevijak or Lilin]

Greater Balrog Cat - Strengthen (235), Attack Buff (175)

Immortal Shingen - Target Angel (100) [Skip if you already have good anti-angel DPS uber]

Immortal Yukimura - Strengthen (235), Attack Buff (175)

Section Chief Gravicci - Target Relic (100) <!>, Curse Immune (100) <!> [UL]

= Medium Priority = 

Akuma Hayabusa - Target Aku (100) [Aku Realm: Unlock Shield Pierce before this talent]

Almighty Chronos - Curse Resist (175) <?> [Skip if you think it is not worth it]

Cat Machine Mk 3 - Knockback Immune (100)

Cats in the Cradle - Attack Buff (175)

Divine Kalisa - Attack Buff (175)

Fox Queen Himeyuri - Curse Immune (100), Target Relic (100) [UL: Skip if you already have good anti-relic uber]

Greater Balrog Cat - Cost Down (175)

Immortal Keiji - Strengthen Increase (175), Attack Buff (175)

Immortal Kenshin - Target Relic (100) <!>, Curse Immune (100) <!> [UL: Skip if you already have good anti-relic uber]

= Low Priority =

Almighty Amaterasu - Survives

Almighty Poseidon - Savage Blow

Assassinlan Pasalan - Slow Duration [After Cyberpunk Slow], Survives, Dodge Attack [Lv1 Only]

B.C.S. Tigerclaw - Dodge Attack [Lv1 Only]

Flight Unit R.E.I. - Freeze, Toxic Immune

God-Emperor Raiden - Dodge Attack [Lv1 Only]

Immortal Kaihime - Curse Immune [UL]

Mer-Queen Ruri - Curse Immune <!>, Target Relic <!> [Queen Mother V + UL 48-49 + certain Starred UL stages]

Mission Control Mekako - Weaken

Pai-Pai DX - Slow Immune

Subterra Sentinals - Curse Immune [UL] Various Attack Buff/Defense Buff talents on stat-based ubers

= Do Not Bother = 

The rest

= Do Not Unlock =

Almighty Chronos - Move Speed Up

Almighty Ganesha - Knockback Immune

B.C.S. Tigerclaw - Soulstrike

Cats in the Cradle - Slow

Divine Kalisa - Move Speed Up <?>

God-Emperor Megidora - Knockback Chance

God-Emperor Raiden - Knockback Immune

Mission Control Mekako - Knockback

The Chaos Moon - Knockback