Liquor Loss

Y’all. Please tell me I’m not crazy.

Context- I started working at this bar about two months ago. It’s a new bar, only been open for about a year and a half now. It’s a fun, hip, miami inspired, high-volume bar. I’ve really enjoyed my time there so far, coworkers are pleasant and my managers are even better. But for some reason, they keep hounding us over our liquor loss. I know this is a common issue amongst bars, but I feel like the anger directed towards us employees is a little… unfair? I’m under the impression that it’s good to stay under the 20% margins as far as liquor goes, but maybe not? Have I missed something? Because our liquor loss went up to 8% and my management team made it sound like the end of the world. I mean I understand that loss going up sucks and they have to say something. But I think that for as many employees as we have, we’re doing a hell of a job of keep our liquor loss between 5-8%. And although I could chalk it up as a grain of salt, they use a threatening tone which makes me feel a little uneasy. Who knows, maybe I’m the asshole. Am I crazy?