What specific parts of Asian culture should be dropped/kept and what parts of Western culture should be adopted?

I was talking with my brother about what Asian American culture would look like if it only took the best of both worlds and it was an interesting topic. Beyond obvious stuff that is already talked about here, like eliminating white worship, and more subtle traits, such as normalizing banter, sarcasm, negotiating, casually asserting yourself or your boundaries.

It seems health-wise, Asian Americans have the longest life expectancy in the entire world so we should keep up with whatever we're doing there. Whenever I'm in line at the grocery store, I'm usually the only person with mostly, or sometimes any, greens. We're probably even healthier than native Asians because heavily processed foods didn't exist when we immigrated over.

Something that might be good to adopt: there's this energy that white people have that is hard to explain. It's where some of them pick a random niche hobby and base their entire personality around it, maybe just to be "unique" or edgy idk, but enough people will do it for a mini sub culture to form and sustain itself. This lets them keep a finger in every pie, so to speak.

Somewhat related: I also remember seeing this high school looking white guy holding up a "Jesus loves you" sign while driving, which stuck out to me because of how young he was and how pointless it seemed. After thinking about it I figured standing out probably was the point, to build team spirit.

It's a roundabout way, but instead of acting out of direct self-interest, they're good at sensing what their community needs and willingly turn themselves into a tool for their organization, which in turn rewards them with status, like a politician.