How scaling works

Hi, think I saw someone else post something like this, but I don’t think they explained it very well... so here is my go at it. Also, I used WA terminology, however, the process is still the same just with different names.

Scaling is composed of three parts: Moderation, Standardization, and AMS Scaling.


Moderation adjusts marks between schools. For example, one school might have harder tests, and another might have easier ones. Since everyone sits the same WACE Exam, it’s used to adjust the school marks and create the Moderated Mark. The Moderated Mark is then averaged with the Exam Mark to calculate the Combined Mark.


Standardization can be the most confusing part of scaling because it often changes marks in ways that seem counterintuitive. Standardization essentially turns the Moderated Mark into a subject-specific rank. It places everyone’s grades on a bell curve, where the mean is 60 and the standard deviation is 13.5.

This means a 60 in Specialist Mathematics places you in the 50th percentile of all Spec students, while a 60 in Applications Mathematics places you in the 50th percentile of all Apps students. However, because the average mark in Spec is higher and many high-achieving students take it, scores tend to cluster at the top. Therefore, the ranks need to be spread out more and shifted downward. As a result, many students in Spec end up with lower standardized marks compared to their raw scores. The Standardized Mark is what’s shown on your SCSA results. Honestly, it has very little meaning for students, as it just shows how you're performing compared to other students in the same subject.

AMS Scaling

Since the Standardized Mark is essentially a rank, it could unfairly penalize students who choose courses with more ambitious students. AMS scaling corrects for this. The tricky part is that the Standardized Mark (more of a rank than a mark) is now treated as a "mark" during AMS scaling.

AMS scaling looks at individual students and compares one subject to another. Let’s use Specialist Mathematics as an example. AMS examines all the other ATAR subjects Spec students take and notices that, on average, these students perform better in their other subjects than the average ATAR student. The conclusion is that high-achieving students tend to choose Spec, making it harder to rank highly in Spec compared to, say, Applications. As a result, Spec is scaled up.

However, this doesn't mean all Spec students are scaled up by the same amount. Some students might see smaller increases than others. For example, you might get scaled up by 10 points, while someone else might get scaled up by 8.

There's also the possibility that high-caliber subjects like Specialist Mathematics could be scaled down for some students. This can happen if there's a large concentration of high scores, making it easier to rank highly because there are more students with similar marks to "compete" against. In these cases, scaling could slightly reduce the final scaled mark. For example, a 92 in Spec might become a 90 after Standardization and AMS Scaling. This downscaling is rare and usually applies to higher marks (mid-to-high 80s or above), where clustering is more significant.

TLDR of AMS Scaling: AMS adjusts the standardized rank to compensate for the fact that it's harder to do better in a subject with tougher competition.

Calculation of the ATAR

After AMS scaling is applied, the top four subjects are added together, along with any bonuses or adjustments (state-specific) to create your TEA. The TEAs are then placed on a ladder, with the lowest score receiving an ATAR of 00.00 and the highest receiving 99.95.


  • To see whether a subject scales well or poorly, compare the Standardized or Combined Marks (from SCSA) with the Scaled Mark (from TISC).
  • Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, compare your combined marks with your standardized marks.
  • Keep in mind that AMS scaling is complicated. It’s not just a matter of shifting the bell curve up or down—it also stretches or tightens the curve, meaning scaling may not be the same for all students.
  • There’s a common misconception that harder subjects scale better because they’re harder. This is incorrect. Harder subjects scale better because they attract stronger students, making it harder to rank highly within the subject.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please leave a comment, and I’ll try to respond quickly!