why does odyssey feel like a reskin of black flags? [question in title, vent in body]

yes odyssey does give a little bit more but from what im looking at, not that much more and took away some aspects from black flag in this game. even the graphics feels about the same as black flags. might just be because i came from playing Mirage, which is a newer game, but like.... feels like im playing black flags again, not to say black flags was a bad game, because its not.... but... like even the whole recruiting part... its just the land version of getting ships on your side, except for the fact that you can only have 4 and for them once you find someone better... feels like wasted opportunity... i think one of the saving graces is that we have bounty hunters that are not just pirate ships (i think one of the weakest parts in black flags). but that is over shadowed with the BHs being bullet sponges... i kind of wished that instead of bullet sponges they were faster and maybe had a armor number or something so that it does not look like im doing 244 damage each hit with no movement on that bar......