So there I was…

Talking to a female staff sergeant patiently waiting for flag detail start @ 0610. It was a chilly morning, 38 degrees or so with a light gust from the gods. Mid conversation and without breaking eye contact, the SSG puts her hands down the front of her pants. The civilian still left in me questioned what was happening in that moment. Why does this female NCO have her hands forearm deep into her pants? What’s going on here? Is she making a move on me? Why not just put them in the pockets if her hands are cold? Then it hit me, she was setting the standard for us lower enlisted. This NCO was showing us the “Army way”. Thank you SSG for your guidance and thank you Army for teaching my numb fingers discipline. I’ll remember these lessons for a lifetime. I Hope ya’ll have a extra HOOAH Monday 🫡

Umm..I’ll take a hot chocolate with the mini marshmallows on top and can you check the lost and found in the back and see if there’s a pair of mittens for my NCOIC please. Thank you