Antinatalism in the world
Also another point I would like to ask is. Why is antinatalism only a topic in America (continent), Europe and china, corea and Japan? Like do you think people in Afghanistan, or ningeria have this conversations? It’s interesting to me. Because we talk about this here to reduce suffering while in other countries people are having 6 + kids in a house with two bedrooms and being very poor. The global population will increase until 2100 having 11 billion people or 10 billion people. Majority born in Asia and Africa. Also, have you seen that many war zones have insane fertility rates? It’s quite sad because many people marry girls very young or are raped by the other side or are used as breeding supply’s for the war to create more soldiers to win. Why don’t people talk about that? Like that is really the epitome of creating life to suffer, even if some people here want to compare it it is not the same at all as having a child in a paid house with education prospects and a stable income and stable family. Opinions.