Question for smokers/nicotine users!

Do any of yall notice an increase in phantom pain based on nicotine intake?

I was in the hospital for almost a month and didn’t have any nicotine the entire time. When I got home I was experiencing the phantom spasms that make you grip your stump and scream bloody murder till it passes and knew that stress and anxiety can trigger them so after only being home for 3 hours I smoked a cigarette, hoping that it would taste like dirt and I’d put it out but nope it was soothing and relaxing!

The first two weeks I was only smoking half a pack a day and it felt like the phantom pains we’re going away and even had a whole week ( 3rd week ) where I was very active on my crutches and got stuff accomplished.

This last week has been awful not the screaming bloody murder type spasms or pain but the constant pressure and burning sensation that steals your focus and keeps you from accomplishing anything. At first I thought I had just overdone it the week before after getting my stitches out and shrinker on, thought I was paying for doing to much to fast.

Now I’m beginning to wonder if smoking cigarettes is causing the increase in pain?

Like I said it’s not excruciating it’s just there and constant, worse in the evening and through the night. I’m still able to sleep just not thru the night. It ranges from 4 hours on a bad night to one night sleeping 8 hours total only waking up twice. Most nights though I sleep 2-3 hours then I’m awake for an hour then sleep for an hour then up for 30 minutes to an hour. So I average 5-6 hours last two nights. But I just thought about it this morning and realized I have gotten back to a pack and a half a day/night.