19f with a question abt tolerance

hi everyone. i normally don’t use reddit but had a question regarding tolerance. i’m writing this having had a lot of alcohol so excuse any typos.

i am a 19 yr old female - 5’6 115 pounds or so. i very rarely drink - normally i do so with my father and have a very small glass of wine. i have only ever drunk heavily twice. i had abt 10 shots of jack once, blacked out for 30ish minutes with an abv of like .38+ (according to my friends), sobered up to the point of coherence very quickly after and woke up without a hint of a hangover. my friends told me i should have been hospitalized for the amt of alcohol i had - one of them even said she was surprised i didn’t die.

i just had 2 mike’s hard lemonades and over 8 shots worth of vodka (mixed w juice) over the span of a couple hours. my bf, who is like 6’1 and over 150 pounds, has had less alcohol than me and is a lot more drunk than i am.

i was wondering what caused and contributed to alcohol tolerance bc my friends and my bf had a lot less than me and are like GONE but i’m totally fine, just a bit tired bc it’s 2am as i write this. my family has a history of alcoholism so maybe that’s why but i was wondering if someone could explain my very high tolerance as well as if this is normal for my age/height/weight group.