How to protect ourselves from Rowdy Auto Drivers ?
Auto drivers here carry 8-10 passengers per auto and never ever give way when someone honks
They also aggressively cut off people and rush to block traffic in junctions
It’s so pathetic that they literally would go out of their way to block a bike/ car which has its right of way from moving ahead and would go around the bike/ car in front to cross a 4 way junction
They also block each and every 4 way junction to pick up passengers
They drive in wrong way , halt wherever they want and block the road and never let any car or bike overtake them due to ego
Yesterday I saw an auto guy randomly decide to make a U-Turn in the middle of the road cause he didn’t see any fare opportunities ahead and two ladies on scooty crashed into the auto
Funnily enough the auto guy was doing acting as if it was the biker’s fault lol
Hope whoever I vote for as an MLA would Ban Auto in my constituency. Will demand this from my MLA too.