ND need for pressure / picking a weighted blanket
I’m looking for the lowdown on weighted blankets. I was reading online that weighted blankets should be only 10% of your BW. I’m worried this won’t be enough for me as a ND person. My partner is always saying I have super rough touch for hand holding, hugs, massages, anything, and it seems completely normal to me 😭 similarly her touch always feels WAY too light although I think it’s probably what’s considered “normal”. Aka an example of how I think what my body needs is a lot more pressure than the average person lol. I have a 15 pound weighted blanket which is within the recommended scope for my weight and it doesn’t feel like enough. I was considering upgrading to a nicer one to try to assist with my god awful sleep issues and maybe 25 pounds? Or 20? But I also read online too heavy can be dangerous and slow your breathing which freaked me out. Anyone have personal experience with this? Signed a ND girl who just wants to feel enough pressure to actually semi-relax