What should I do with my Qingyi?

Heya everyone. Qingyi was my first limited char and I REALLY like her. However, while I'm not entirely a meta slave, i do enjoy to play functional teams that make sense and have good flow.

I am currently playing her with NekoW1 and Nicole. Nice and fun team but the overall damage is way low compared to my other teams (Miyabi Yanagi well duh and Jane Burnice).

I have no interest in Zhu Yuan or Evelyn nor in building Harumasa. I am planning to pull S Anby and Trigger.

So i don't even know if there is any point to this, but I have 220 pulls saved as of now and i was kinda thinking of pulling her W Engine or M1 (not sure which one would be more worth it) to improve my Neko team. I might consider building S11 if i eventually pull her. Or just hoping in a future char release that will work well with her. I'm also kinda dreaming that she be viable as a second stunned in S Anby-Trigger comp although it looks like Anby will want all the field time possible.

Either way I'll wait until the very end of the banner when I'll know something more about the upcoming characters, but just wondering if you guys have any ideas or opinions that could help me making a choice or a tip on how i could put Qingyi to use