Theories about the Visions Welcomed

So my mind has been spinning since watching the new episode of Yellowjackets, and I’ve specifically been thinking a lot about the “hallucinations” at the end of the episode. The thing is, I don’t think they were really hallucinating, I 100% believe this is the first time where “it”, for lack of a better term, talks directly to the Yellowjackets using Lottie as an avatar in the vision. I also believe that was the real manifestation of Jackie’s spirit that attacked shauna, and not just a manifestation of Jackie’s guilt. It is kind of reminiscent of the cabin scene during Jackie’s death, where she encountered all the other Yellowjackets and their also seemed to be other people who previously passed in the wilderness before the plane crashed. I’m starting to believe in the idea that their are two realities in Yellowjackets, the good one, and the bad one, kind of like what Mari was talking about when she was explaining her grief. I think the writers were intentionally trying to drop a subtle hint with that monologue about how the wilderness or “it”, is not a part of this reality, but part of a separate reality that is tied to our own. I also believe Akilah, might be the next person to die (before even Ben, or maybe the first after), because they foreshadowed her death so hard. Like with the snap bracelet, that Jackie was playing with. When the snap braclet was put on two people who we know survive the wilderness storyline, it hurt them. However when it was placed on Akilah she was fine. I think in a sense the braclet represents who the wilderness chooses, and I believe the wilderness/Lottie hints at this when she says you shouldn’t play with dangerous things.

This pretty much wraps up what I have to say, and sorry I know it’s a lot and it my be a little scatterbrained. I so far am loving season 3, and I think it’s miles above what’s season 2 was so far. Also thank you if you took the time to read this monsterly oversized paragraph, I’d love to know you’re thoughts.