Sedecki Dog Theory

Dogs do not have the best luck on this show, huh?

My initial thought was that the Sedecki's got a dog when Callie was young because that's what families do, and that maybe it got lost or worse because of Shauna's neglect? I'm thinking about when Lottie gave Shauna the goat as her "therapy" (which, with hindsight, feels inspired bt Akilah). But they cared for the dog long enough to give it medicine. Maybe Jeff and Shauna got it pre-Callie to "practice" or see if they can handle taking care of a thing.

The CalliexLottie dynamic has me worried, however. If Callie is more like her mom than we think, what if Callie pulled some The Omen nonsense and did something to the dog? The ShaunaxCallie dynamic almost feels damned from the start. Like, they both seem so tired and it's such a bummer. If young Callie did do something to the dog, it would make her realllly fit in with the survivors and give a new wrinkle to Shauna's (almost) fear of her daughter.

Also, if something catastrophic did happen to the dog, did good things happen after the fact? Was it a hunt, not unlike Biscuit?? On the edge of my seat, loving season 3