sad little red head and Other Tai

okay as it’s been said I believe that we pretty much only see Other Tai in S3E3. Correct me if I am missing something about her character but watching her joke to Van about being a sad little red head with an alcoholic mom…I was like this is NOT tai 😭 In any case…Van is definitely starting to suspect that Other Tai has been control (you can see her suspicion when Tai is chanting over the candle or after seeing the no eyed man commercial) I think in the next episode or two we will get another conversation between Van and Other Tai like when Van asked to come with her when she was sleep walking. She asks “Is this what you do every night” Taissa responds “Only when she lets me” (and says that she=Taissa) Other Tai doesn’t respond when Van asks “then who are you” I think in the next couple episodes Van will ask her if she’s the other one and finally get answers on WHAT this other one is