Do you agree with my policies?

  1. The Border should be open at all times. There is no such thing as an illegal immigrants, THEY ARE ALL ALYSUM SEEKERS

  2. Arrest Trump immediately for threatening the well being of the millions of asylum seekers

  3. There should be 2 bathrooms. 1 for people who are open minded and 1 for the conservatives

  4. Government Price controls on all good

  5. Transgenders can compete in which ever sport they like, regardless of its gender classifations

  6. HRTs for everyone No Questions Asks

  7. Full term abortions provided by the federal government. No questions asked

  8. Ban all guns that can kill innocent people

  9. Full socialized health care

  10. Get rid of voter ID and Driver licenses as they indirectly impact people who can't get them

>! Yall made me like this ;-;!<

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