Oogie Boogie Fight is broken :(
On my lvl 140 Ice:
I first did this fight where I knocked them out one at a time, not using any AOE spells, no select target spells and no heal all allies spells - hoping to score both the solo badge and the Booger Boxer badge simultaneously. That attempt failed. I won the fight but received neither badge. :(
So after regrouping and fixing my deck for the speed approach I ran it solo again going after both the solo badge and the Mucus Magus (defeat Oogie Boogie in 4 rounds or less) badge using the reviving/AOE trick and it didn't work.
I got to go first
- Rd 1 - Hired 1 Level 170 Life minion + Stun block
- Rd 2 - TC Feint on Shadow Boogie (to counter Ice resist, even though I have 42 pierce.. didn't want to leave anything to chance) & Minion played Guardian Spirit on me
- Rd 3 - Frenzy
- Rd 4 - Snowball Barrage
We all died and (after forever worth of animations), I was revived, the fight ended and I received no badges. Not even the Solo badge. Well, poop. I admit the trick I read about in another post here is from a couple of years ago. Is this method known to not work anymore? Was it changed in an update? Did I do it wrong? Needless to say, I won't be going after this again until I know it won't be a waste of time.