American here, looking for answers.
Howdy, neighbors. I'll keep it short and sweet - my family is looking at the increasingly likely possibility of moving to Manitoba from the USA.
We live on the border (an hour away from Ottawa) and have actually visited nearly all of the provinces. We have not been to Manitoba, but planned a trip for this spring. Our local radio has exclusively Canadian stations, so the news keeps up with us. I am actually a doctor (username checks out) and qualify for ExpressEntry. The process is still confusing as heck to me, but Manitoba seems to be one of the better provinces to practice in.
I'm looking for information:
Where should I visit when scoping out the city? I generally prefer the quiet - should I be looking at suburbs?
How kid-friendly is the area?
Cost of living - We own a house, but I know housing is a huge issue across Canada right now. Are most folks living in apartments?
The cold doesn't bother me. I've lived in Alaska. Don't care much for nightlife or foodie culture. Severe food allergies and a preschooler will do that to you. Thanks in advance.