[TT] Theme Thursday - Boundary
My word quick slips
Past curling lips –
Not sure which of us more shocked.
I'd held my tongue
Since it'd begun;
My whole life she's ruled my lot.
Her voice low,
Confused thoughts slow,
Tripped by my sudden change.
She stands and blinks,
Her face turns pink.
Puzzlement shifts to rage.
Quailed, timid, meek,
I whisper-speak.
She prepares her next attack.
I want to flee,
Just leave me be!
She'll soon break camel's back...
With narrowed eyes,
Her anger high,
She flings words as sharp as spears.
Old insults strewn,
She salts the wounds.
But this time I shed no tears.
I stridently mock,
She stands and gawks,
Then steps back across the floor.
With straightened spine,
I meet her eyes,
And shoo her through open door.
At last loud,
I stand my ground!
I'd been trampled, browbeat, shamed.
I'm done this time,
She's crossed a line;
No more pawn in her sick game!
Her soft tone I ignore,
I press shut the door.
Finally, peace washes through my home!
My lesson learned,
Her control won't return.
At last, my life is now my own!
I'd love it if you'd check out my new novel, Monstra Inter! Available on Amazon.