Highest damage/dps first item?

Iv been trying to do some testing but the testing tool feels kinda trash lol iv been thinking about how voli performs game to game, been playing him as a OTP the last two splits (currently in plat). He definitely can be strong at any point in the game depending on the the build and stuff. But universally it feels like if I can get a lead early lane I can take over the game and be unstoppable even when building more damage heavy. So I'm playing around with the idea of really leaning into a more damage focused build, and maybe some games falling back tank later game if really needed. But playing more towards the split push and forcing 1v1 fights. So I have been trying to do some simple damage & dps testing in the practice tool. Last night I did dps testing and was supposed that of the items I tested, it seemed like rageblade was actually the highest, I expected it to be nashors. Riftmaker was just behind nash, terminus was just behind that, triforce about the same as that. Then I ran out of time. Tested at lvl 10 with 1 item and cdr boots, dummy with 1500 hp and 50/50 resistances cause that was similar to what I had in game, and had lethal tempo. I am aware that voli does great with have defensive stats as well, but just curious what others have done to success, or testing with more damage leaning builds. And surely the catchup matters, if I want more long term fights or short trades depending on what we can do well against lane opponent.