How old are people getting these 100% ratings

Am I crazy for thinking I’m likely to get 90-100% Benefits at discharge after 9 years of service at 27 years old? I see all of these people here getting to 100, and I feel like it’s a lot of older people but obviously I’m unsure. I feel I have a very solid claim,

Sleep apnea plantar fasctiis hemorrhoids w fissures anxiety/depression IBS Headaches/migraines Shoulder impingement/bicep tendinitis Cubital tunnel syndrome Cervical spine ankylosis Allergic rhinitis Dorsalgia/ankylosis of lumbar spine

I also went to the hospital on one occasion after vomiting blood (determined to be just my throat bleeding no worries) but they diagnosed me there with an enlarged liver and spleen, wondering if anyone has had anything similar with related conditions..

Anyways…Based on the above, I feel like I could do well but also feel like I’ve seen a lot of horror stories - any thoughts or tips? Discharge within a year