Why’re you in the left lane?

Gtfo the left lane for the love of god. Why’re you there doing the speed limit? No one wants to go 50-55 on a TWO LANE HIGHWAY.

Speaking of two lanes, I respect my truck drivers to all hell, they’re the backbone of my country. But why do you stay in the left lane next to someone going just as slow as you. This is going to sound so entitled but ppl got places to be. If you wanna drive slow go in the right lane no reason you should be going under the speed limit.

Also why’re you mad that someone wants to pass you? You won’t speed up on your own but you’ll speed up to make sure someone won’t pass you? Get over yourself bro and stop being petty. If I get a ticket let me get a ticket stop thinking you some vigilante.

Im sorry I just drive an hour everyday for work and I hate left lane turtles.