2 Hours of Editing: 15+ Crashes

- Version of Vegas: Vegas Pro 14 [Pirated in 2020 and 2022]

- Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce RTX SUPER 2080

- OS System: Windows 10

I'm currently making a Behind the Scenes Video for a Big Creative Project I am working on concurrently - Documenting the Creative Path and showing my Thoughts and Process.

I'd record with my Canon 70D, and Digitally Record with GeForce Experience - to get both views of what I'm doing.

When I was compiling all of the Footage I have, at the moment, and trying to get to an Assembly before going to bed, it was virtually impossible to do so - as it'd be hard for Vegas Pro 14 to not crash after around 5 minutes of use.

Though I have converted, nearly, Every Video File into a Video-Proxy, it still leaves me irritated about how I'd have to do this process every single time I add new Media to the Project, and will not be able to work with certain Video Formats, like Alpha Channels.

This has left me extremely Groggy and Demotivated to carry on with this Specific Project, as I do not want to Video-Edit in fear due to this Unstable Program - Once a Therapeutic Hobby, now turning into a vicious paranoia of Anger.

If I am having this much trouble with Video-Editing the Measly Behind the Scenes for this Big Creative Project, then it leaves me Uneasy about how "Reliable" Vegas Pro is going to hold up with creating the *Actual* Big Project

If anybody could leave any Feedback - and or Answers - for this Certain Issue, that'd be so appreciated - Thanks for Reading.