ULPT Request - There's this horrible preacher with a megaphone

Some racist and homophobic street preacher walks back and forth down my street all day, yelling into a megaphone.

If he stands in the right place he's clearly audible inside my apartment. I had to be on a Zoom call today, and whenever I was off mute, the other participants heard this guy in the background. I had to explain and apologize.

What's the best way to bother him enough that he either stops for a while, or moves on, or preferably quits entirely?

Cops have talked to him lots of times but they say he's technically not breaking the law. He stops before the noise ordinances go on effect.

Couple of months ago, my neighbor went to him and started a conversation, and tried to sneakily cut his microphone cord with a set of garden clippers. He called the cops and claimed she tried to stab him. So that idea maybe not.

If there was a way to like, EMP his megaphone and wreck it, I would pay money for a machine to do it. If it existed.

The only real idea I have is to play something louder to drown him out, but I don't want to go deafen with my own speakers.