Manual Transmit Power Settings for 2 U7 Wall APs
I’ve been playing around with the radio settings after reading more about WiFi optimization. I was originally content on leaving everything on medium or high but after using WiFiman and seeing the signal strength of one AP while standing at the other, I decided to do a more granular approach.
My house is roughly 2,600 ft single story. I have my APs on opposite ends of my house. I fiddled with the 5 GHz transmit power until the signal strength of the far away one was around 72 dB while standing near the other. This was at 21 dbm. I then just lowered the 2.4 GHz transmit power to 6 dB below that at 15 per the www. I manually set the RSSI to 70.
So far, everything seems fine. To be fair, the medium/high settings were fine as well, but I wanted to learn how to take advantage of what this equipment is capable of.
Did I go down the right path? Does anyone see anything glaringly wrong with these settings?